Year 6
Our Class Teacher is: Mr Dudley
Our Classroom Support is: Miss Ward and Mr Westwood
Welcome to our Year 6 class blog. I hope you find this page a useful tool to keep up with everything that we are getting up to this year.
I am so excited to share everything that we have planned this year and I can’t wait for your children to share their knowledge with you at home.
Thanks for looking,
Mr Dudley
Autumn 2:
Last week, we celebrated Diwali by reading the story of Rama and Sita. We then created and painted our own candle holders to honour the Festival of Lights.
Autumn 1
Our Driving Question is:
What did it take to survive as a child in World War Two?
This term we will be learning about:
English | Maths | Project Based Learning |
Our Key Text: Goodnight Mr. Tom M.Magorian
We will be creating:
A diary recount from Mr Toms point of view.
A balanced argument: Should rationing exist today? | Number: Place Value
Number: Addition, Subtraction,multiplication and division. | History Focus:
Across our history learning, we will be focusing on WW2 attempting to answer our driving question: “What did it take to survive as a child I’m World War Two?”
We will explore the journey of a evacuated child in War time Britain. We will about the life of Anne Frank as we delve into her diary entries. We will then compare what life was like in War time Britain and compare it to life now.
DT Focus:
Across our DT learning this half-term, we are going to be attempting to answer the question: 'What were war time toys like?'.
We will design and make a moving toy for an evacuee.
We are going to: -explore the toys children played with in the 1940’s. -sketch a toy model. -make prototypes to ensure the design will work. -create a working toys for a evacuee. |
This week year 6 have answered the question, ‘What did it take to survive as a child in World War II?’ This sums up all the fantastic learning we have achieved over the last few weeks.
Here are some examples:
Our journey to get here:
- First we discussed our previous knowledge of WW2.
- Secondly, we wrote a timeline of the events of World War II.
- Following this we wrote a diary entry from a evacuees narrative to our fathers fighting in the war or our mothers at home.
- Next, we identified what an evacuated child would take with them. Based on this they decided what they would take with them. After this the children justified their decision.
- Penultimately, we learnt about the struggles that Anne Frank faced as we explored her diary entries. The children then wrote a diary entry from her perspective, the day that she was discovered in the annex.
- Finally, we answered our driving question above.
Design technology
This week we have started our DT lessons. We have explored various War time toys that evacuees were likely to have. Year 6 then chose their favourite and justified their decisions. They then sketched their ideas.
Following this we researched World War II toys and compared them to toys these day. We then found toy ideas that we could make. They then created a PowerPoint presentation and performed them to the rest of the class.
Library Celebration Day
Friday, we had a journey to the library (the old community room) where Mr Ross has worked incredibly hard to make it look fabulous. He has decorated it in a Harry Potter theme, where children can interact with their surrounding and read in a calm, warm environment.