At home, please practice your times tables - you can use Times Tables Rock Stars.
Please email if you need your child's log in details.
Here are the video links to support today's Maths learning.
Year 3
Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1 - consolidate 2, 4 and 8 times tables.
Year 4
Multiplication and Division
Lesson 1 - 11 and 12 times tables.
Year 3 Lesson 1
Year 4 Lesson 1
In our English unit, we will be exploring how we can reduce waste, how we can cycle and why it is important to do so. By the end of our unit, we will to create an information leaflet to inform others of the importance of recycling.
Lesson 1 -
WALT: identify and explain the features of an informative piece of writing using the WAGOLL.
1) Using the examples of leaflets added below, can you find these features?
- Title
- Subheadings
- Images
- Factual sentences - key information
- Colourful
- Persuasive writing
2) Explain the purpose for each of these features.
For example -
Title - A title is needed to show the reader what the leaflet will be about.
examples of leaflets
One Plastic Bag by Miranda Paul
1 - What happens to Isatou's bag?
2 - Why were the plastic bags thrown away?
3 - Name two problems mentioned in the story that have happened because of the plastic bags.
1 ___________________________________________________________________
2 ___________________________________________________________________
4 - What did the women create using the plastic bags?
For Spanish, you will have access to the online learning resources we have available in class.
Visit the website Select - Hola Espanol from the learning resources drop down menu.
Log in details are:
Hawbush Primary School
This term, please use the Year 3 unit - Greetings.