Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Welcome to Maple Tree SEMH Specialist Provision
We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our Maple Tree SEMH Provision part of our website. Here you shall find out all about our brand new local authority commissioned specialist provision for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) - Maple Tree Specialist Provision. Maple Tree is designed with the vision and ethos that no child will be allowed to fail and we will do all we can to meet the complex needs of our learners. Pupils are allocated a place at our provision through EHCP consultation with the Management Committee, the Head Teacher and Teacher in Charge of Maple Tree, who determine if we are able to meet their needs.
The wonderful things about Maple Tree are:
- We offer targeted support and intervention for pupils who have SEMH needs;
- This includes pupils who may have been permanently excluded or at risk of permanent exclusion;
- Pupils are taught by highly qualified SEMH specialists in targeted small groups/pairs, focussing upon meeting their emotional needs and then accessing learning opportunities.
- Pupils are placed on roll at Hawbush Primary School and able to access mainstream classroom lessons if their needs enable them to;
- Policies, procedures and processes are all bespoke for Maple Tree and designed to enable pupils the best possible chance of a mainstream ‘plus’ education;
- We have a purpose built unit to host Maple Tree SEMH pupils. We have had pupils on role since January 2020 and have been delighted with their progress.
Maple Tree SEMH Provision Staffing Team
Mrs Katie Evans
Acting Head Teacher
Hawbush Primary School and Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Mr D Stanier
Deputy Head Teacher
Teacher in Charge of Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Miss R Savoy
Assistant Head Teacher/SENCo
Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Miss L Taylor
Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Ms L Howell (HLTA)
Miss K Small (L3 TA)
Miss R Griffiths (L2 TA)
Where school policies refer to children or classroom practice, Maple Tree has devised it's own policies that more closely match the needs of the children we teach. Some of these are listed below:
Maple Tree Management Board
The management board meet six times a year to strategically oversee Maple Tree SEMH Provision. A standard agenda includes:
- Pupil Progress
- Staff Development
- Financial Updates
- Provision Development Plan/Self Evaluation
The Management Board oversee the provision in line with the requirement as set out in the commissioning contract with the local authority. This is different to a Governing Board and the Management Board hold a scrutinising role rather than a decision making role. The Governing Board still maintain overall strategic responsibility for Maple Tree SEMH Provision.
The membership of the Management Board is:
Mr M Osbourne - SEND Commissioning Team (Dudley LA)
Ms L Taylor - Education Psychology (Dudley LA)
Mr P Willis - SEND Case Officer (Dudley LA)
Mrs K Evans - Acting Head Teacher
Mr D Stanier - Deputy Head Teacher/Teacher in Charge
Miss R Savoy - Assistant Head Teacher/SENCo for Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Mrs S Hammond - DSL
Ms K Leach - SEND Governor