Week beginning 22.02.21
This week's focus is:
Activity 1- Listen to Mrs Mason read The Gruffalo.
Some questions to ask your child.
Can you tell me who the characters are?
Can you describe what the Gruffalo looks like?
Did you enjoy the story?
Some questions to think about.
How did the fox feel when he heard about the Gruffalo?
Why did the little mouse say there was a Gruffalo?
What would you do if you met a Gruffalo?
Activity 2
After listening to the story of The Gruffalo can you draw him and remember all the features?
Has he got purple prickles, a poisonous wart on the end of his nose?
Now label him using the sounds you know to help write the words.
Activity 3- Can you make a Gruffalo character?
Here are a few ideas for you to try.
Activity 4 Sing along with the author Julia Donaldson.
Can you sing along and join in the actions?
Activity 5 - Let's Get Active!
Join in with Andy's workout in the mountains. He is searching for a grizzly bear...I hope we don't find a Gruffalo!