Year 4
Welcome to Year 4!
Our Class Teacher is Miss Arnold
What a great end to a fantastic term. I am extremely proud of how the children have settled into Year Four. They have produced exceptional work which I have been able to showcase on our display. Take a look at our excellence...
In PE, we have been practicing our hockey moves. We have learnt how to move with increased control, ensuring we can increase our speed and agility which would help us when we are in a match. To develop our hockey skills further, we have used cones to improve out control but also to develop our aim.
Roald Dahl Story Day
For Roald Dahl Story Day, our class’ focus story was The BFG. Every class made their own dream jars based on their chosen book.
Here are some pictures of us when we were making our jars 😁
To start off our History topic this term, where we were learning about Mary MacArthur, as a class we were treated differently based on our gender. We discussed how unfair it would have been for women to be treated differently just because of their gender.
As a class, we researched how Mary MacArthur changed the lives of women chain makers. Take a look at some of our amazing work ...
In our Art unit, we made coil pot using clay. We had to learn key techniques to make our pot successful. The techniques that we learnt were slip and score and welding to make strong attachments with the coils. We also learnt how to shape clay to make different types of coils.
Take a look at our fantastic art....
Our Allotment
Year Four have started getting green fingers! As a class we have planted sunflowers, carrots and tomatoes. 🌻🥕🍅 We are keeping an eye on their growing process, watering them often (although the rain we have had has done most of that for us! 🌧) and making sure they have sunshine ☀️ not that we can help the weather 🤪
Sports Day 2021
The children were absolutely fantastic during Sports Day this year. Everyone showed true sportsmanship, cheering on their team mates and encouraging them. Every child tried their best which was great to see.
Here are a few snaps from the day 🏆🏆🏆
In science, we used our knowledge on grouping animals to be able to classify them using key characteristics. We asked questions and created our own classification keys.
Team building
Year 4 were set a challenge. Which team could build the tallest tower?
The children were all given the same amount of things to use, it was their team’s decision to decide what it was they were going to do.
#problemsolving #determination #thereisnoIinteam
Active Maths
Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number. The children played a variety of games to practice the skill of rounding.
#fractionsbaseball #roundrobin #swopshop