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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!


Our Class Teacher is: Mr Lambrou

Our Classroom Support is: Mrs Pilkington


Welcome to our Year 5 class blog. I hope you find this page a useful tool to keep up with everything that we are getting up to this year in Year 5. 


I am looking forward to all we have planned this year and am confident of a successful and enjoyable year together.


Look below to see all of the EXCITING things we have been getting up to in class.


All the best, 


Mr Lambrou

Spring 2


Our driving question is:

How can we protect the world's largest ecosystem?


This half-term, we will be learning about:​​​​​​​



Project Based Learning

Wider Curriculum

Our key text is:

Running Wild by Michael Morpurgo


We will be creating:


  1. A narrative that explores the setting and alternative characters of our class text


  1. A persuasive text to argue for the defence of the Amazon Rainforest from Deforestation.

Across our maths lessons this half-term we will be visiting the following topics:


  1. Number: Fractions


  1. Number: Decimals and Percentages

Our geography focus for this half-term is:

During our learning this half-term, we will be learning about the rainforests of the world.


We will learn about

  1. The locations of different rainforests across the world, exploring why rainforests are often located at the Equator.


  1. The different climate zones of the rainforest, comparing them with the climate of the United Kingdom.



  1. The different layers of the rainforest.


  1. The biodiversity of the rainforest.


  1. Comparing the Amazon Rainforest with the Wyre Forest.



  1. Exploring the impact of human activity on the Amazon Rainforest and what must be done to protect it.


By the end of this topic Year 5 will be able to develop a non-chronological report which examines the Amazon Rainforest!


Art Focus:


During our Art learning this half-term, we will be designing a whole-class tapestry to show the different layers of the rainforest.




During our science lessons this half-term we will studying and learning about famous scientists and their inventions or contributions.



During our PSHE lessons this half-term we will be learning about our responsibilities in ensuring we are safe.




During our Religious Education lessons, the children will be thinking about:

If God is everywhere, do religious people need to vising holy buildings?


Spring 1


Our driving question is:

How have the Romans impacted on life in Modern Britain?


This half-term we will be learning about:



Project Based Learning

Wider Curriculum

Our key text is:

Empires End: A Roman Story by Leila Rasheed


We will be creating:


  1. A narrative poem exploring the events of our class text.


  1. A diary entry to explore how Camilla has felt throughout her journey.


  1. An alternative ending to our class text to explore what we would change for next time.

Across our maths lessons this half-term we will be visiting the following topics:


  1. Multiplication & Division


  1. Fractions

Our History focus for this half-term is:

During our learning this half-term, we will be focusing on the Romans and the developments that they have made for Modern Britain.


We will learn about

  1. The pre-history of Britain before the Roman Invasion.


  1. What made a good Legionnaire in the Roman Army



  1. Why the Romans wanted to expand their empire.


  1. The invasion attempts the Romans made towards Britain.


  1. What Roman Society was like?



  1. What technologies did the Romans develop?


  1. What was crime and punishment like in Roman Britain?


  1. What Religious beliefs did the Romans have?


By the end of this topic Year 5 will be able to compare aspects of Roman Britain with similar aspects of Modern Britain to assess the Romans impact.


DT Focus:


During our DT learning this half-term, we will be constructing Roman Era forts to defend against Celtic Rebellion.


The children will get to explore a range of designs of Roman Fortifications and design their own fort with the purpose of defending against enemies of the Roman Empire.


Children will learn how to develop simple circuits including a cell, wires and a buzzer.



During our science lessons this half-term we will be learning about forces.



During our PSHE lessons this half-term we will be learning about our roles and responsibilities in keeping ourselves safe in the wider world.




During our Religious Education lessons the children will be thinking about

What Jesus did, and how could they live by his example in a modern world.


Autumn 2


Our driving question is:

What makes the Andes Mountains so diverse?


This half-term, we will be learning about:



Project Based Learning

Wider Curriculum

Our key text is:

White Fang by Jack London


We will be creating:


  1. Free verse poetry describing the setting of the class novel.


  1. A letter to a friend of the main character of our class novel.


  1. A Travel brochure describing the Yukon Territory.

This half term we will be learning about the following topics:


  1. Number: Multiplication & Division


  1. Measurement: Perimeter and Area.

Our Geography focus for this half term is:


Across our Geography learning for this half-term, we will be learning about the Andes Mountain Range in South America.


Across our learning we will be aiming to answer our driving question: What makes the Andes Mountains so diverse? 


During this unit of work, we will be exploring the differing climate zones of the Andes Mountain range.


We will be learning about the biodiversity of each section of the Mountain as well as how the mountain is used to support communities who live amongst it.


By the end of this unit, we should have created a micro-habitat representing a different climate zone of the Andes Mountain Range.



During our science work this half term, we will be looking at living things and their habitats.



Across our PSHE work this half term, we will be focusing on our emotions.


Religious Education:

Across our Religious Education learning, the children will be thinking about: Why do some people believe in God?





Autumn 1


Our Driving Question is: 

Were all Victorian children equal?


This half-term we will be learning about: 

EnglishMathsProject Based Learning

Our Key Text:

Street Child

B. Doherty


We will be creating:


A Job Advert for a Victorian Workhouse!


A flashback to a happier time in a characters life 


A narrative which describes a character

Number: Place Value


Number: Addition & Subtraction



History Focus:


Across our history learning, we will be focusing on the Victorian Era, attempting to answer our driving question: 'Were all Victorian children equal?' 


We will focus on the lives of the rich and the poor in Victorian Britain. We will learn about the life of Doctor Barnardo and the work he did to improve the lives of Victorian children. We will take inspiration for this to develop and lead a fundraising day for the Barnardo's Charity. We will then focus our attention on the visit of Queen Victoria to Wolverhampton, writing a Diary entry from the perspective of a Victorian Child.


DT Focus:


Across our DT learning this half-term, we are going to be attempting to answer the question: 'What would the Queen eat at a traditional mean?'.


We are aiming to create a healthy meal or dish for the Queen's banquet.


We are going to think about:

  1. The importance of correct storage and handling of ingredients.
  2. How to measure ingredients accurately
  3. How to calculate ratios of ingredients and scale up or down from a given recipe.
  4. Demonstrate our baking and cooking techniques.
  5. Create and define recipes to include ingredients, methods, cooking times and temperatures.


Topic Hook: Victorian Day


To introduce our new topic of the Victorians we held a Victorian dress up day in class.


We would have the chance to dress up and experience what it was like to be in a Victorian classroom for the day. Children would use chalk, write on chalkboards and follow EVERY RULE of the classroom.

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