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Year 4


Watch the lesson video and then have a go at the worksheet for today, this involves ordering numbers to 10,000. 

Look carefully at the numbers given, identify the place value of the digits using your knowledge of place value and then put them in the order the question asks for.


Remember: ascending means going UP from least-greatest, whilst descending means going DOWN from greatest-least.

Ordering numbers to 10,000 using place value.


Have a go at the reading comprehension given below. Read the text carefully, then have a go at answering the questions.


Have a go at the one given for your group - use your English groups.


Think about the work that we have done this week - the structure of a cinquain poem and how they are set out. 

Below there is the PowerPoint from the lessons, that you can look at to help remind you, as well as a website which could be very useful for you to look at too!

Have a go at brainstorming some ideas for your own cinquain poem, and then write one following the given structure.


Line 1 - 2 syllables

Line 2 - 4 syllables

Line 3 - 6 syllables

Line 4 - 8 syllables

Line 5 - 2 syllables

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