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Year 3

Lesson 5 - Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit. 




Year 4

Lesson 5 - Written methods




WALT: develop paragraphs using research. 


Part 1 - 

This lesson we will focus on the subheading What is waste?


In Wednesday's lesson, you should have already researched about the three questions given to you. These are going to make our subheadings for our leaflet. 


Today, we will be developing our research, writing these facts into sentences to form paragraphs. This will inform people who are reading our work exactly what waste is. We will aim to get 3 or 4 sentences per paragraph that we will use to build our leaflet. 


As notes, you may have said that waste is rubbish. On its own, this isn't a brilliant sentence - we want to make people not want to waste, so we want to persuade them not to waste so much. We need to make it sound as though waste is the worst thing ever.


To do this, we are going to:

  • use descriptive language - for example, useless, huge piles as high as mountains... 
  • use words and phrases which make it sound horrific - like unfortunately, dreadfully, it is disgraceful! 
  • use conjunctions to give reasons, extend ideas or to give alternatives.


I'm going to give you an example of how I'm going to take 'waste is rubbish' and turn it into a paragraph. 


What is waste?

Unfortunately, waste is rubbish that gets thrown away. It's a product that has been used once and now there is no use for it so it gets put into the rubbish, taken to the local refuse and piled high like a mountain. Waste is a huge problem in the UK as it is estimated that we produce 30 million tonnes of waste every year. How disgraceful! We should reuse products where we can or only buy what we need.



I hope this helps you all when you are developing your own paragraphs. 


Both year groups -

  • I need to see these words spelt correctly - waste, people, rubbish, reuse, because
  • Use descriptive language - adjectives. Year 4 - you can also use similes. 
  • capital letters, full stops. 
  • punctuation - question marks  ? , exclamation marks ! 


Year 3 - I would like you to make sure you are using conjunctions in your writing - so, and, because, but


Year 4 - I would like to see:

  • Fronted adverbials, with a comma. 
  • Conjunctions   (FANBOYS, I SAW A WABUB)






Can you think of other ways in which the plastic bags could have been used? What could they have done with them, what else could they have made?



What are pulse and rhythm?

Using the information below, can you create a poster which informs someone about pulse and rhythm in music? 


What sort of music do you prefer? Does it have a fast pulse? Describe the kind of music it is using your understanding of pulse and rhythm.





Coping with feeling angry



I'd like you to do a similar activity to the children in this video. Looking at the good and bad parts of the feeling of anger. Draw an image of what anger means to you.


I'd like you to think about what makes you angry. This is going to make you be more aware of your own feelings and emotions.


Now you've thought about what makes you angry, think of appropriate ways to deal with different types and levels of anger. Remember, it's okay to feel angry - lots of people do. We all have different levels of anger for different issues that happen in our lives.


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