Why choose us
Hawbush is a community primary school located in Brierley Hill, admitting children from the age of 2 up to the age of 11 years.
Our building was completely re-developed in 2011 with a dedicated Nursery unit, a library, a SEND Base Provision, a community hall, allotments, woodland area, fields and a football pitch. We are very lucky to have such a large site with fantastic facilities.
We offer Breakfast Club for a nominal fee of £1 per day, which not only includes breakfast but a variety of activities. This runs daily from 8:00am.
Working in partnership with external children’s charities and HAF, we host additional activities such as after school clubs and reduced cost football /multi-sports clubs throughout the holidays.
We can also offer support for the local community, with onsite counselling and mentoring, as well as food parcels for families who need them.
Educating our pupils
We believe in developing our children to become world-class, lifelong learners, who are able to achieve the unthinkable and be the exception to the rule, without being limited by their socio-economic background. We will give them the best education to allow them to realise their talent and create their own future by offering an exceptional learning experiences with an engaging and forward thinking curriculum that includes everyone to challenge their thinking.
Our Mission Statement is ‘Living our Dreams and being Exceptional’
which simply means ‘dream big and become exceptional learners’
Safety of our pupils
We are proud to say that safety is a priority at Hawbush and demonstrate this with a Safeguarding Team consisting of 7 on-site members. Our Safeguarding Lead, who is also our Pastoral Support Officer is supported by 6 Deputy Safeguarding Leaders.
To apply to join the Hawbush family:
School Places
For information on how and when to apply for a Reception place or to apply for an in-year transfer (for those moving into the area or wishing to change schools) please visit
or contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345.
Little Dreamers Nursery
Little Dreamers Nursery we have an engaging and exciting learning environment, which is developed around the children’s interests, encouraging them to be independent learners through a range of practical activities.
We are open to children aged between 2 and 4 years old, offering a choice of sessions that suit family circumstances. Morning sessions run from 8:30am until 11:30am and afternoon sessions 12:30pm until 3:30pm. Lunch club sessions are also available for those children staying all day.
The Government funds 15 hours of free nursery education each week for 2, 3 and 4 years olds and in some cases they will fund 30 hours for 3 or 4 year olds.
Who can apply for Time for Twos?
2 year olds who are entitled to 15 hours free Early Years Provision can apply after their second birthday.
Who can apply for a Nursery place?
3 year olds are entitled to 15 hours free Early Years Provision from the term after their third birthday.
Who is eligible for 30 hours in Nursery?
An additional 15 hours may be claimed by parents of 3 and 4 year olds who work a minimum of 16 hours per week at the national minimum or living wage and a parent or parents earn less than £100,000 per year each.
Top up sessions
In addition to the Government funded hours, parents can choose to send their child in for extra sessions. The cost for additional sessions are:
Nursery sessions £12.00 per session
Lunch Club (not including meals) £2.70 per session
Applying for a Place
To apply for a place at Little Dreamers Nursery or Time for Twos, please contact the school directly for an ‘Expression of Interest’ form. We will then contact you to discuss your requirements.
Maple Tree SEMH Provision
Maple Tree is a local authority commissioned specialist provision for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs. We offer targeted support and intervention for pupils who have an EHCP with SEMH needs, including pupils who may have been or at risk of being permanent excluded.
Pupils are allocated a place through consultation with the Dudley SEN team and the management committee for Maple Tree, who determine if we are able to meet the child’s needs.
Should you wish to visit us or discuss any needs your child may have, please contact the school office on (01384) 816930 for an appointment.