Year 3
Lesson 9 - Divide 2 digits by 1 digits (Second session)
Year 4
Lesson 9 - Recap Divide 2 digits by 1 digit
Year 3 Lesson 9
Year 4 Lesson 9
Lesson 2
WALT: design a leaflet using the key features.
This lesson will look at using our subheading work that you would have already completed earlier on this week. I've attached a picture of my work for you to see how I've organised my paragraphs under the subheadings.
Both year groups -
- I need to see these words spelt correctly - waste, people, rubbish, reuse, because
- Use descriptive language - adjectives. Year 4 - you can also use similes.
- capital letters, full stops.
- punctuation - question marks ? , exclamation marks !
Year 3 - I would like you to make sure you are using conjunctions in your writing - so, and, because, but
Year 4 - I would like to see:
- Fronted adverbials, with a comma.
- Conjunctions (FANBOYS, I SAW A WABUB)
Lesson 2 - What is Christianity like across the world?
Today, I'd like you to research how Christianity has an impact world-wide.
If we focus on Christian Aid as they play a key role across the world in various ways.
Some questions to help you with your research -
What is Christian Aid? Who founded it? What’s the purpose of it?
How does it show Christian values?
Lesson 2 - Scrapyard Challenge
I have had a go with this lesson using things around my house - I personally didn't have a magnet so I used the next best thing... a fridge magnet. Hopefully, you can have some fun at home with this activity.
What I would like you to do is:
- To explain what materials are magnetic and which materials aren't magnetic.
- Explain what is 'special' about a magnet. (Magnetic field)